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Generating the Future for Aviation

Aviation Generation is a Community Interest Company (also known as a Social Enterprise or not-for-profit) and through its Partners it educates and trains the people that the aviation industry needs. It activates community and social links in the regions where it operates. It also works to target the areas of greatest social impact. Aviation Generation has a strong sense of purpose and social value and has a clear set of charitable objects.

Social Impact


Aviation Generation sets out to create opportunities for all in the world in aviation. It is focusing on the three pillars of sustainability - Environment, Social and the Economy.

​​​Sustainability is about meeting the needs of the present without sacrificing future generations' ability to meet their needs.​ Before Covid-19, the aviation industry was not sustainable for a number of reasons, including 'Flygskam' - flight shaming, people shortages, poor awareness of aviation environmental progress, airline profitability and so on.


Progress in rebuilding a sustainable industry for the future requires facing up to three main Industry Global Challenges:


  • Global Challenge 1 - Environmental Sustainability:

    • the need for accurate reporting of progress and data​

    • new research and development

    • to keep innovating


  • Global Challenge 2 - Global Personnel Shortage

    • new national and international solutions​

    • the right people with the right skills

    • diversity and inclusivity


  • Global Challenge 3 - keeping ahead of technology

    • engaging partners to stay at the cutting edge​

    • engaging and supporting regulators and regulations

    • mobilising our nations' strengths


Aviation Generation seeks to play its role in addressing these challenges in the United Kingdom and internationally to rebuild our industry for the future.






We are working with Partners to activate practical plans for the delivery of the people that the aviation industry needs.

We are connecting the next generation of aviation professionals from all walks of life and backgrounds with future roles in the industry.
Facing up to the Global Challenges enables us to take a fresh look at what is required to attract, educate and retain the people that the industry needs. This lays the foundations to engage and champion the changes required.
Making the connections through our partners enables us to create the pathways into the industry that are needed to connect the next generation to the job roles that exist, whilst ensuring that they achieve the right level of education and training with supporting qualifications.
We operate across all communities across the United Kingdom.
In these communities, we activate our charitable objectives and work with all organisations that we need to attract the right people to the pathways, including:

  • Employers

  • Universities, Colleges and Schools

  • Regulators

  • Professional Bodies

  • Trade Associations

  • Councils and Local Authorities

  • Museums

  • Other Organisations

We Work


Get to Know Us

We are connecting the next generation of aviation professionals from all walks of life and backgrounds with future roles in the industry.


Integrating the aircraft manufacturer, education, training and airlines/operators, we connect the next generation to the job roles that exist, whilst ensuring that they achieve the right level of education and training with supporting qualifications.


Our Pathways are integrated into the education system and then separated into the following main areas:












​​​​​​This then leads to clear career outcomes; from confusion - to clarity!



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